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FbFriends is a jQuery plugin for picking Facebook friends from a dialog.

The Basics



<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

<script type='text/javascript' src='files/fbfriends.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='files/fbFriends.css'/>

<!-- or similar -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/bootstrap.min.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/bootstrap.min.css'/>

Basic Usage

Put a div into a section of the DOM that we can create a dialog out of. In this example I'm using Bootstrap's Modal, though anything will do (see the BYOD section below).

<div class="modal hide" role="dialog">
  <div class="modal-header">
    <button class="close" data-dismiss="modal" type="button" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
    <h3>Select a Friend</h3>
  <div class="modal-body">
    <!-- This is the important bit -->
    <div id="basic"></div>

Then we call our plugin, passing functions to control the dialog and handle the user's section:

  whenDone: function(friends){ doSomethingWithArray(friends);},
  shower: function(element){ element.parents(".modal").modal("show");},
  hider: function(element){ element.parents(".modal").modal("hide");},

And here it is in action, with the JS above bound to a button, and with the whenDone callback set to show cool toaster things:

That's it! (Although I have styled the modal a bit.)

Friends objects

The whenDone callback takes an array of friend objects, which are passed directly back from the FB API. They might looks something like this:

    first_name: "Bob",
    last_name: "Dole",
    id: "11111",
    name: "Bob Dole",
    picture: {
      data: {
        is_silhouette: false,
        url: "http://someImageUrl"

Those are the fields that come back by default. If you want more info about the friend(s), you can specify a list of fields in the additionalFields option, like so:

  additionalFields: ["gender"],
  afterDone: function(friends){ console.log(friends[0].gender);}

You should first try the fields out in the FB API Graph Explorer to see how if how it works (e.g. do you need to configure your app to ask for more permissions?).

Bring Your Own Dialog (BYOD)

FbFriends doesn't contain any functionality for creating a dialog. You just put the FbFriends root inside of your favorite Javascript-controlled dialog and pass FbFriends functions to open and close it. That way, you can use anything you want: Bootstrap's modal, JQueryUI dialog, even nothing at all. This allows FbFriends to be very flexible; you can control all the parameters of your dialog, theme it, etc.

For example, you could also easy jQuery UI with a default theme like this:

<div title="Select a friend">
  <div id="jqueryui"></div>
  whenDone: toast,
  shower: function(element){ element.parent().dialog({ height: 400, width: 400 });},
  hider: function(element){ element.parent().dialog("close");}

And here it is in action:

Single or Multi Selection

By default, FbFriends lets the user pick a single friend with a click and then closes the dialog. But you can also allow them to check multiple friends by passing the multiple: true parameter. A few options matter here:

  multiple: true,
  whenDone: function(friends){//do something with the whole array of selected freinds},
  friendChecked: function(friend){//optional, do something on check},
  friendUnchecked: function(friend){//optional, do something on uncheck},

  //normal dialog stuff
  shower: function(element){ element.parents(".modal").modal("show");},
  hider: function(element){ element.parents(".modal").modal("hide");},

We add a couple of buttons to our modal so that the user can tell us when they're done:

<div class="modal-footer"> 
  <button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Cancel</div>
  <button id="multi-submit" class="btn btn-primary">Done</button>

We also need to provide bind the "Done" button so that it informs FbFriends that the user is done selecting people:


Do it:

Opening and closing the dialog

By default, FbFriends will open the dialog as soon as it's called. You can override that by passing immediate: false in the options. You can later open the dialog with:


You can also programmatically close it:


FB Initialization and Login

By default, FbDialog assumes you've already initialized the FB Javascript SDK and logged in the user. But if you don't need to use the FB SDK outside of showing FbFriends, you can have FbFriends do all the work for you. You'll need to pass it at least an FB appID:

  //other options here
  initialize: true,
  login: true,
  fb: {
    appId: "your FB app ID",
    //other optional settings

The entire fb value gets passed to FB.init so use it however you need.

You can also decide whether you want FbFriends to try to log in the user. By default, it will. Redundant logins are harmless but take some extra time. You can make FbFriends assume the user is logged in by specifying login: false.

You can specify afterLogin to get FB's successful response to authentication by specifying the afterLogin function. That's useful if you need to capture the name and FB ID of the user.

initialize: true implies login: true but not vice-versa.

Full Options Documentation

Here's the full set of options with defaults:

  multiple: false,                //select mutliple friends
  whenDone: function(friends) {   //callback when selection is done
    return console.log(friends);
  friendChecked: null,            //in multiple mode, callback for when a friend is checked
  friendUnchecked: null,          //in multiple mode, callback for when a friend is unchecked
  shower: function(element) {},   //how to show the dialog
  hider: function(element) {},    //how to hide the dialog
  immediate: true,                //show the dialog imediately
  initialize: false,              //whether to handle the FB SDK initialization internally
  login: true,                    //whether to log the user into FB if required
  fb: {                           //options past to FB.init if initialize is true
    appId: null,
    channelUrl: null,
    status: true,
    cookie: true,
    xfbml: false
  afterLogin: null,                //callback with the users info if login: true
  additionalFields: [],
  includeMe: false                 //add the current user to the list